Re: Linux device drivers: O_NONBLOCK in fops->open ...

From: Westley Weimer (weimer@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/09/00

Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 17:49:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Westley Weimer <weimer@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Re: Linux device drivers: O_NONBLOCK in fops->open ...
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.10.10010091746150.6653-100000@york.CS.Berkeley.EDU>

On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Scott McPeak wrote:

> > Here's the question: Is the driver writer allowed to put a process
> > to sleep (= block) in the open method if the O_NONBLOCK flag is
> > set?
> I don't see why not, regardless of the flag's setting.  You can put
> the process to sleep whenever you want to, other caveats
> notwithstanding (e.g. see below).  The only issue is whether the
> client software can deal with it, but since it presumably knows what
> device it's talking to etc. it just has to understand that driver's
> behavior.  And lacking such understanding, blocking is safer than
> returning -EAGAIN and hoping the client happens to check.

This would make sense, except that the client code had to go *way out of
its way* to get non-blocking behavior. It had to explicitly fcntl(...) the
file descriptor that it got by opening the device. If the client does that,
is it not the client's responsibility to check? 

> But one caveat on blocking write() -- there's a semaphore "down" just
> before fops->write gets called, and a corresponding "up" on return

Good to know, thanks!

	- Wes

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