
From: George Necula (necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/22/02

Message-ID: <4E06A937DADC3842ACE4D3A1096A9EAC5680A8@JANUS.eecs.berkeley.edu>
From: George Necula <necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Homework
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 18:12:06 -0700


 You might not be aware of it but it is time to think about the successor of
OSQ. We have already started to toss around ideas but I think it would be
interesting to hear also what the students would like to do in the next 5
years. Those of you who are new to the project, here is a chance to have a
say what you'll be working on. Those who've been around for a while, here is
your chance to stand back from what you are doing and think what are the
important problems in software development. 

 Wild ideas are welcome for the purpose of having a heated discussion, but
realistically we would only be able to push forward with those ideas that we
can sell to the outside community. 

 I would like to propose that we use one of the lunches where there is no
speaker scheduled to talk about this. Any reactions? 


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