Re: POPL Draft Review

From: David Wagner (
Date: 07/29/03

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:09:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Wagner <>
Subject: Re: POPL Draft Review
Message-id: <>

I have only a few small comments on yoru POPL submission
(I know this is too late to be useful, but here they are anyway).

Sec 2.1, fourth para: I didn't understand the parenthetical remark
"(Note that it is not sufficient ..."  What was that saying?

Fig 2: at line 4, you have the type "r_t: disp r_x".  I'm not sure
I understood how the dependent type system works.  what if, after line
4, the value of r_x changes to something with a different type?
does your type system "remember" to invalidate the type of r_t?
maybe you already took care of this -- I don't know enough type theory
to be able to tell

Sec 3.1, fourth para: The last two sentences were very confusing.
I think you need a careful definition of what you mean by "deterministic"
transition relation and which relations qualify.  I'm not sure this is
a realistic assumption, either.  It seems plausible that in some cases
we could enter a state where we have not already violated the security
property but from where a future violation is inevitable.  Also, I note
that your notion of a "deterministic" relation means that you are not
checking a safety property; you are checking some kind of liveness
property, which seems a little weird (particularly when you use the
word "safety" to describe it).  I haven't worked out the implications
of this "deterministic" assumption in my head yet, but it stood out
at me.

I don't have any comments on the more technical parts of the paper
-- I didn't have the time to give them the time they deserved.  Sorry.
Overall, I did find the paper interesting, though.

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