FW: ESC/Java is available

From: Alex Aiken (aiken@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/25/00

Message-ID: <1449F3361B0BD311BD6F0008C733C1B00E4F9B@doh.dii.local>
From: Alex Aiken <aiken@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: FW: ESC/Java is available
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 22:57:18 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: K. Rustan M. Leino [mailto:rustan.leino@compaq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:46 PM
To: aiken@cs.berkeley.edu
Subject: ESC/Java is available

[This message is being sent to you because at some point
in the past, you have expressed an interest in ESC/Java.]

Dear colleagues and ESC/Java enthusiasts,

It's my great pleasure to announce the public (non-commercial, binary) 
release of the Compaq Extended Static Checker for Java (ESC/Java)
developed at the Compaq Systems Research Center (Compaq SRC).

ESC/Java is a programming tool that attempts to find common run-time 
errors in Java programs by static analysis of the program text.  
Users can control the amount and kinds of checking that ESC/Java 
performs by annotating their programs with specially formatted Java 
comments.  The errors detected by ESC/Java include null dereferences, 
array index bounds errors, type cast errors, race conditions, deadlocks, 
and violations of user-supplied annotations.

ESC/Java has been used internally at Compaq SRC since early 1999
and has been used to check, and find errors in, many thousands of lines 
of code (including the ESC/Java front end).

The public release encourages research use of ESC/Java.  I am
particularly excited about the prospect of educational use of ESC/Java.  
Students using ESC/Java as part of programming classes may develop 
a better practical understanding of important programming concepts 
such as invariants and preconditions, because ESC/Java provides instant 
feedback just like type-checkers and parsers do.  We hope to help 
instructors use ESC/Java in teaching by allowing them to share their 
experiences and programming assignments with other instructors.  
Ask us for tips on possible uses of ESC/Java in education. 

For ESC/Java documentation and download instructions, please see the
ESC/Java home page:


Please email questions, comments, success stories, and bug reports 
to <escjava@research.compaq.com>.

  Rustan Leino and the ESC/Java project team

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