workshop announcement (fwd)

From: Jeff Foster (jfoster@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 03/14/01

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:16:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Jeff Foster <jfoster@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: workshop announcement (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

This workshop may be of interest to some of you.

I'm not sure whether I should have forwarded this to everyone, but I
couldn't tell from the announcement header how widely circulated the cfp
was.  (Did everyone already get this announcement through some other


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:52:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Scott Stoller <>
Subject: workshop announcement

[----- The Types Forum, -----]

[This workshop is not mainly about types, but it is related.  Static
analysis is mentioned twice in the CFP, and types are an important
form of static analysis.  Papers like "Types for safe locking" are
relevant to the workshop, because locking disciplines can be used to
optimize model checking.  -- Scott Stoller]

		   Workshop on Software Model Checking

                               July 23, 2001
                               Paris, France

The growing importance of model checking in hardware verification and the
difficulty of producing correct software are driving a growing interest in
the application of model checking to software. This leads to many challenges
of scientific and practical interest, both in core model checking technology
and in supporting techniques, such as program analyses and transformations
that help automate abstraction of the data state and reduction of the
control state.

This workshop covers all aspects of software model checking and supporting
techniques, ranging from verification of high-level requirements
specifications to model checking of low-level bytecode. Theoretical results
and case studies are equally welcome. Techniques that provide limited
guarantees or that work for limited classes of properties are also of
interest. We especially encourage submissions that deal with general-purpose
programming languages or other languages with similar features. Topics of
interest include but are not limited to:

   * Model checking for conventional programming languages or other
     languages with similar features, such as recursion, references, dynamic
     memory allocation, or object-oriented constructs.
   * Model checking for design notations: UML (including Statecharts), RSML,
   * Static analysis and state-space reductions: slicing, partial-order
     reductions, symmetry reductions, etc.
   * Abstraction for software model checking
   * Applications of model checking to software verification/debugging
   * State-less model checking
   * Advanced testing approaches, e.g., test-case generation via model
   * Heuristic search for model checking

The workshop has a dual mission: it aims to introduce people to the field of
software model checking and to be a forum for describing new research.
Hence, the workshop will consist of invited presentations by leaders in the
field and a selection from the submitted papers.

We expect to publish the proceedings in Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science, in a volume that also contains papers from other
post-CAV'01 workshops.

The workshop will be held after CAV'01 in the same location (la Mutualite).
CAV'01 follows FMICS'01 and SAS'01.


The invited speakers will describe their leading-edge work in combining the
power of static analysis and model checking. This is an important direction
for the field of software model checking and is an especially appropriate
topic at a workshop co-located with SAS'01 and CAV'01.

Sriram Rajamani will describe the SLAM Project.

John Hatcliff will describe the Bandera Project.


Submissions should be in PostScript format.  The body of each submission
should start with a short abstract and should be at most 10 pages long.
The submission may include in addition an appendix containing technical
details, which reviewers may read or not, at their discretion.  The
submission should contain the contact author's physical and e-mail
addresses and phone number.

Submissions should be sent by email to .

==== DATES ====

 Submission deadline:     May 15, 2001
 Acceptance notification: June 15, 2001
 Final version:           July 1, 2001

==== CO-CHAIRS ====

Scott Stoller                           Willem Visser
Computer Science Dept.                  Automated Software Engineering group
State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook  NASA Ames Research Center


Tom Ball, Microsoft Research
David Dill, Stanford University
Hubert Garavel, INRIA Rhone-Alpes / VASY
Patrice Godefroid, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Susanne Graf, Verimag
Gerard Holzmann Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Scott Stoller, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Willem Visser, NASA Ames Research Center

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