interesting paper

From: Alex Aiken (aiken@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 05/17/01

Message-ID: <1449F3361B0BD311BD6F0008C733C1B00C19FA@doh.dii.local>
From: Alex Aiken <aiken@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: interesting paper
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 20:36:52 -0700

Jim Larus (one of our distinguished visitors at the retreat) suggested the
following paper as interesting reading for the group.  It was written by a
Wisconsin student who was part of one of Jim's projects there, and it
outlines that student's views on the advantages and disadvantages of large
research projects.  The URL is:
I want to thank everyone for a very enjoyable and productive retreat.  I
meant it when I said I was impressed by how much we had done!  

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