PS seminar today

From: George Necula (necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/15/01

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From: George Necula <necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: PS seminar today
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 09:22:24 -0700

 Please join us at the Programming Systems seminar at 4pm in Soda 310.
Patrice Godefroid (best known for developing the Verisoft model-checking
toold for software) from Bell Labs will give a talk on 

Generalized Model Checking: Theory and Applications

Generalized model checking is a framework for reasoning about partial state
spaces of concurrent reactive systems. The state space of a system is only
"partial" (partially known) when a full state-space exploration is not
computationally tractable, or when abstraction techniques are used to
simplify the system's representation. In this talk, we present the main
ideas and key notions behind this framework, namely models for partial state
spaces (partial Kripke structures and Modal Transition Systems),
completeness preorders (to measure the level of completeness of a partial
state space), 3-valued temporal logic (properties of partial state spaces
evaluate to either true, false or unknown), generalized model checking
(given a partial state space and a temporal property, does there exist a
more complete state space that satisfies the property?), and algorithms and
complexity bounds for both the traditional and generalized model-checking
problems for various temporal logics. We then discuss applications.
Specifically, we show how generalized model checking can extend existing
automatic abstraction techniques (such as predicate abstraction) for model
checking concurrent/reactive programs and yield the three following
improvements: (1) any temporal logic formula can be checked (not just
universal properties as with traditional conservative abstractions), (2)
verification results are guaranteed to be both complete AND sound, and (3)
verification results can be more precise for the same cost in the size of
the partial state space (program). Joint work: this talk includes results
from two papers with Glenn Bruns presented at CAV'99 and CONCUR'2000, and a
paper with Radha Jagadeesan and Michael Huth presented at CONCUR'2001

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