TODAY: PS Seminar

From: George Necula (necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/22/01

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From: George Necula <necula@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: TODAY: PS Seminar
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:49:30 -0700

 Just a last minute reminder that Tim Priesnitz will be giving a PS seminar
today at 4pm in Soda 310: 

Title: Non-Structural Subtype Entailment in Automata Theory
Decidability of non-structural subtype entailment (NSSE) is a long-standing,
open problem in programming language theory. It was first raised by Remy and
Pottier in the context of type inference and since then NSSE has been
investigated numerous times (Henglein, Rehof, Sue, Aiken, etc.). In my talk,
I characterize NSSE by regular expressions and word equations. It is well
known that word equations are rather difficult to solve because they are
capable of describing non-regular languages. My characterization shows for
the first time why solving NSSE is so difficult - the reason is NSSE hides
implicit word equations. My characterization then makes these word equations
explicit. I show how to solve a fragment of NSSE by using Makanin's word
equation result. 

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