seminar Monday

From: Alex Aiken (
Date: 01/31/03

From: "Alex Aiken" <>
Subject: seminar Monday
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:24:08 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Here is the title and abstract for the second half of the
Intel research talk on Monday (4-5, in 405 Soda).



Title: Open Research Compiler (ORC) on Itanium and Network Processors
Speaker: Roy Ju, Intel Labs

To enable and encourage compiler and computer architecture research, Intel
Labs. has released an open-source compiler, Open Research Compiler (ORC),
targeting the Itanium Processor Family (IPF). The goal of ORC is to provide
a flexible and robust compiler infrastructure to the research community.
There have been thousands of downloads of the compiler for various research
and teaching projects since its first release in Jan '02. The latest ORC 2.0
was released in Jan '03 and produced outstanding performance comparable to
the best IPF production compiler on Itanium/Linux. This presentation will
give a brief overview of the key features and status in ORC. I will also
outline our subsequent effort to use ORC to build a truly high-level
programming system for domain-specific processors, such as network
processors. We would like to interact with the academia to tackle many
research challenges to achieve this goal.

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